Zoning Department:

The Building Commissioner is appointed by the County Mayor and approved by the County Legislative Body.

The Building Commissioner enforces the Zoning Regulations, maintains records, and forwards materials to the board of Zoning Appeals and the Planning Commission. The Building Commissioner may issue permits for agricultural and single and multi-family developments. Any other permits must be approved by the planning commission.

To obtain a building permit:

  • Applicant Name

  • Property owner’s name

  • Property address

  • Phone number

  • Subdivision name (if applicable)

  • Lot #

  • Total acres

  • A description of what you are building

  • Number of existing dwellings on parcel

  • Site Plan

  • Front, side, and rear setbacks. The setbacks are measured from the property line to the location of the building.

  • We will also need the contractor’s information, including the business name, contractor name, address, phone number, and proof of workman’s compensation insurance.

    If you do not have a contractor, you will need to fill out an affidavit of exemption form that can be picked up from the building commissioner.

Contact Information:

Ashley Shelton- Building Commissioner

141 Western Plaza

Newport, TN 37821


Monday - Friday, 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M



Regularly Scheduled Meetings:

The Cocke County Regional Planning Commission meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at 5:15 P.M. in the Sessions Court Room In the Courthouse 111 Court Ave.

Submissions for the Cocke County Regional Planning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals must be submitted to the Zoning Department at least 10 working days prior to the meeting at which is to be reviewed.
