Opioid Funding Application Round 2 is open January 28th 2025 - February 28th 2025.

Awards will be finalized by the Cocke County Legislative Body at one of their regularly scheduled meetings. When that decision is reached, awards will be posted below.

Round 1 Opioid Abatement Awards

Due to the extensive damage and loss of life caused by the opioid crisis that was brought on by the unethical and over-prescribing of opioid medications, the state of Tennessee will be receiving over $1 billion over the next 18 years in settlement funds from several large corporations. The County has established the Cocke County Opioid Abatement Task Force to oversee the spending of these funds to ensure they are used to remediate the opioid crisis and save lives. The Board will invite community organizations to apply for these funds annually.

The Cocke County Opioid Abatement Task Force expects to open the 2025 grant cycle for application submissions on January 28, 2025. Questions about funding may be submitted to opioidsettlement@cockecountytn.gov. All meetings are posted here.

Priority for funding will be given to:

● 501c3 or organizations formally structured to address substance use in Cocke County

● Organizations that have operated within Cocke County to serve Cocke County residents as of (or prior to) July 2021, when the first opioid settlement agreements were finalized

● Evidence-based programs backed by science and/or data

DISCLAIMER: Contacting members of the Task Force with funding requests outside of the formal application process or with questions regarding the process through channels other than the above email address may result in being disqualified from applying.

Q: When will community organizations be able to apply for funds and when will funds be awarded?

A: The below tentative timeline is currently expected:

■ The application will open on this website on January 28, 2025

■ Submissions will be accepted through February 28, 2025

■ Awards will be announced May 1, 2025

■ Funds will be dispersed starting July 1, 2025

Q: What is the maximum funding period for projects?

A: Funding will be awarded for projects 12-months in duration.

Q: How will the funds be dispersed to agencies?

A: Awards will be given in one lump sum at the beginning of each fiscal year, beginning July 1, 2025.

Q: If awarded, can agencies apply for funds in subsequent years?

A: Yes, agencies may apply for funds over multiple years. However, if funds are not spent appropriately or there are no outcomes reported, subsequent awards will likely be denied. All agencies would be required to submit an application annually.

Q: How much money will be available?

A: The amount of funds available will change annually due to varying timelines of settlements.

Q: What type of projects will be approved?

A: Per the settlement agreements, all funds MUST be spent on approved core strategies, listed below. A comprehensive list of programs and approved uses that fall under these strategies can be found here.

Core strategies:

● Naloxone or other FDA-approved drugs to reverse opioid overdoses

● Medication-assisted Treatment (MAT) distribution and other opioid-related treatment

● Address the needs of pregnant and postpartum women

● Expanding treatment for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS)

● Expansion of warm hand-off programs and recovery services

● Treatment for incarcerated population

● Prevention programs

● Expanding syringe service programs

● Evidence-based data collection and research analyzing the effectiveness of the abatement strategies within the state

Q: What type of projects will NOT be approved?

A: ○ Anything that is not on the approved remediation list

○ Requests to reimburse past or future personal expenses accrued from the opioid epidemic

○ Projects that serve individuals who are not residents of Cocke County

Q: Can funds be used for salaries and benefits?

A: Yes, funds can be used for project staffing if 100% of staff time is spent on approved remediation uses.

Q: Can funds be used for indirect costs?

A: No, we will not award funds for indirect costs.

Q: Can funds be used for capital projects?

A: Yes, but 100% of the capital expenses must be used to support approved remediation uses.

Q: How will projects be selected for funding?

A: The Task Force will use county level data to identify priorities and goals that will guide the selection of projects.

Q: Will there be any reporting requirements for agencies that receive funds?

A: Yes, quarterly and annual reports will be required so the Task Force can track how the funds were spent and what outcomes resulted.

Application deadline no later than 4:00 P.M. on February 28, 2025