Macie Reed, Property Assessor

Contact us:

111 Court Avenue

Room 112

Newport, TN 37821

(423) 623-7024

The Cocke County Property Assessor is a Tennessee constitutionally elected official who serves at the pleasure of the Cocke County citizens for a four-year term of office. It is her responsibility to discover, list, classify, and value all property within the jurisdiction of Cocke County for tax purposes. Taxable property is divided into two classes, real property and personal property. Real property includes land and all buildings, structures, and improvements to the land. Personal property is machinery and equipment, fixtures, furniture, and other items that are moveable in nature used by a business.

Meet the Team

  • Macie Reed

    Property Assessor

  • Susie Moore

    Assistant Assessor/Personal Property Clerk

  • Brittany Holt

    Deputy Assessor

  • Malerie Sisk


  • Cinna Hembree

    Customer Service Clerk

  • Sharon Shelton

    Deeds/Greenbelt Clerk

  • Erika Starnes

    Field Supervisor

  • Casey Spann

    Casey Spann

    Field Staff